
How To Beat The Youtube Algorithm 2020

Many video creators, whether professional person YouTubers or brands on YouTube, regard the YouTube algorithm equally a complete mystery—a higher power that rules over their view counts, completely outside of their command.

They believe in that location's no understanding how the YouTube algorithm works. It's one of the platform's most carefully guarded secrets, later all.

Except it isn't.

In a research newspaper published back in 2016, a group of Google engineers shared their plans for how videos could be surfaced through YouTube's recommendation engine for a better user feel.

In improver, one of YouTube's product managers for the recommendation arrangement created a YouTube video sharing that, since 2015, YouTube'due south algorithm goals have purely been to help viewers notice the kinds of content they want to watch to increase long-term satisfaction.

Much of the discussion most getting views on YouTube focuses on YouTube SEO, social media promotion, and getting subscribers. While these contribute to the discovery of your videos, alone they don't unlock the lion's share of views you stand up to gain from YouTube'southward recommendation engine (via YouTube'southward homepage and "recommended for you" suggestions).

If you want to get more than video views in the long term, yous demand to empathise a few things about how the YouTube algorithm works in 2022.

How does the YouTube algorithm work in 2022

YouTube'southward algorithm is all about helping its users notice the about relevant content as easily as possible. YouTube'south unabridged goal is to increment customer retention and go along its users watching videos for as long as they tin.

When YouTube first started working on its algorithm, it was initially based on what videos people were clicking through. However, this led to clickbait-y headlines that didn't always leave the viewer satisfied with the actual video content.

Then, in 2012, it moved more to watch time. Video recommendations were shown based on how much time people spent watching certain videos or channels. And it stayed that mode for about three years, until YouTube identified an even better option.

YouTube algorithm timeline
Source: YouTube

Since 2015, YouTube has optimized for viewer satisfaction. This is done by actually surveying users as they watch content, to meet how they're really feeling about information technology, helping the algorithm recommend the almost satisfactory content.

Simply how does YouTube determine satisfaction?

  • It sends out millions of surveys each month—though users likely see simply two to iii—request for feedback on a specific video.
  • It pays attending to when users are clicking the "Not interested" choice on videos.
  • It looks at likes, dislikes, and shares on a video.

This inquiry paper, published past Google engineers Paul Covington, Jay Adams, and Emre Sargin, breaks down boosted signals YouTube uses to rank videos for recommendations:

  1. Click-through rate (the likelihood of someone clicking on your video afterwards seeing information technology)
  2. Watch fourth dimension (the combined amount of time viewers spend watching your videos)
  3. How many videos the user has watched from your channel
  4. How recently the user watched a video most the same topic
  5. What the user has searched for in the by
  6. The user'due south previously watched videos
  7. The user's demographic information and location

The start 3 signals are the merely ones you lot tin influence direct. The residue depend on factors exterior of your channel in order to personalize the recommendation.

These Google engineers even land that their final ranking objective is "generally a uncomplicated function of expected spotter time per impression. Ranking by click-through rate often promotes deceptive videos that the user does not complete ('clickbait') whereas scout time ameliorate captures appointment."

Some might interpret this to mean that optimizing for click-throughs will get you penalized by YouTube, but that'due south a huge misunderstanding.

YouTube is only penalizing bait-and-switch tactics—overpromising before the click and delivering disappointing content later it. Click-through rate is still equally important as ever. Yous can't generate a lot of watch time for YouTube without getting clicks first, later all.

You lot can even meet these priorities reflected in YouTube Studio by checking out your YouTube analytics dashboard.

youtube algorithm and views
Source: YouTube

Under the Attain Viewers tab, you lot can see the following metrics, which together illustrate YouTube's new emphasis on click-through rate and watch time:

  • Impressions: How many times your video thumbnails were shown to viewers as a recommended video, on the homepage, or in search results.
  • Traffic sources for impressions: Where on YouTube your video thumbnails were shown to potential viewers.
  • Impressions click-through rate (CTR): How often users watched a video afterward seeing your thumbnails (based on logged-in impressions).
  • Views from impressions: How often viewers watched your videos after seeing them on YouTube.
  • Watch time from impressions: Sentry time that originated from people who saw your videos and clicked them on YouTube.

How YouTube determines the algorithm

There are two chief places that YouTube users will see suggested videos: on the homepage and while watching other videos. These recommendations are fabricated using YouTube'due south algorithm, but the algorithm works differently for each of these spaces.

Let's walk through why certain videos show upwards on each of these 2 places.


When y'all head to the YouTube website or open the mobile app, you immediately land on the homepage. Hither, YouTube aims to provide the most relevant and personalized video suggestions for each user, pulling them in and trying to proceed them on the app for as long every bit possible.

Homepage videos are based on 2 criteria:

  • Video performance: How well similar viewers seemed to relish the video
  • Personalization: Your specific viewing habits and watch history

At this point in the process, YouTube doesn't accept information on a viewer's intent for heading to the video platform. So it has to rely on what it does know, which is based on the types of videos a viewer has enjoyed in the past.

Suggested video

The suggested videos section appears in the right-hand sidebar next to the video you lot're currently watching (or below the video you're currently watching if yous're accessing the mobile app).

These videos are based on your viewing history during this session and are recommended based on what the algorithm thinks you're well-nigh likely to lookout next. Criteria includes:

  • Videos that tend to be watched together
  • Videos on a similar topic
  • Videos that you've watched in the past

Because YouTube now has some agreement of why y'all're accessing its platform at this fourth dimension, these videos tend to exist more tailored to your current session, rather than a general selection of what information technology thinks y'all might like.

7 ways to improve your reach on YouTube

ane. Stick to a consistent premise or format for your YouTube channel

Most slap-up YouTube channels or serial tin can exist summed upwardly in five seconds:

  • First We Feast: celebrities and nutrient
  • Blendtec's Volition it Blend?: blending an object that you're not supposed to blend
  • Vocalisation: newsworthy topics explained in an accessible and engaging fashion

On the flipside, many YouTube channels and content creators struggle to gain traction, considering they treat their YouTube channel every bit a identify to upload all their video content, rather than as a home for a consistent video series.

Consistency is the foundation for success on YouTube—without it, you might be able to capture attention, simply you lot won't be able to go along it.

YouTube creators that find their consistency are able to sustainably grow their subscriptions and viewership because it makes it easier for people to decide to watch more of their content and subscribe to their channel.

The First We Feast channel embodies the kind of consistency we're talking about—celebrities eating food—with multiple serial that are substantially variations of the aforementioned premise.

first we feast youtube channel

Below, you tin can see how this consistency feeds its subscriber growth over fourth dimension. Whenever a video is lucky enough to get viral, it actually has a meliorate shot at converting each fleeting viewer into a lasting subscriber, considering of the stickiness of the premise and the consistency they tin find beyond the rest of the aqueduct'south content.

If you want to deviate from your core premise, it's best to do information technology on a separate YouTube channel to avoid undermining your own efforts. First Nosotros Feast, for example, is endemic by Circuitous, which has a very dissimilar focus and audience. The channels are continued nether the Featured Channels tab, but otherwise, they don't actually intersect.

featured channels

To brand posting easier, you lot tin can find a free video editing software that uploads videos to your aqueduct with ane click. Yous won't have to waste matter time uploading and downloading files, and tin publish videos quickly and consistently.

ii. Feed the recommendation engine with other sources

Newer YouTube channels can't rely on the recommendation engine to drive all their views.

Recommendations, after all, are generally based on how viewers have viewed and interacted with your videos in the past. YouTube needs data to base the recommendations on, and there'southward no data without people watching your videos. And then exercise all the usual efforts to promote your videos, such equally:

  • Sending new videos to your e-mail list
  • Partnering with the press or other influencers
  • Promoting your videos on social media
  • Starting a YouTube affiliate marketing program

But to a higher place all, focus on YouTube SEO and getting more subscribers, not only to garner video views over the long term, merely also considering what a user repeatedly consumes on-platform and what a user subscribes to are key signals that the YouTube algorithm uses to make personalized recommendations.

In the paper, the engineers note that "the well-nigh important signals are those that draw a user's previous interaction with the item itself and other similar items. … Equally an case, consider the user's by history with the channel that uploaded the video being scored—how many videos has the user watched from this channel? When was the terminal time the user watched a video on this topic?"

If you tin can get a new user to continue watching more than content after clicking through to one of your videos, you can increase the chances of your videos getting recommended to them the side by side time they open YouTube.

three. Create thumbnails that get clicked

Nosotros've established that click-through rate is still important and that YouTube prioritizing spotter time is simply a countermeasure against low-quality clickbait.

And so now let'southward talk about the elephant in the room—improving your click-through rate—using ii groovy sources of inspiration for clickable thumbnails: YouTube's trending videos tab and Netflix.

Take closeups of emotive faces or activity shots

Look around YouTube and you'll see no shortage of highly expressive faces on video thumbnails.

Co-ordinate to a study by Netflix about the functioning of artwork on the platform, "emotions are an efficient way of carrying complex nuances. Information technology's well known that humans are hardwired to respond to faces—nosotros have seen this to be consequent beyond all mediums. But it is important to note that faces with complex emotions outperform stoic or benign expressions."

One of the earliest trends likewise noted by Netflix, which is worth carrying frontwards to your own thumbnails, is that an image's tendency to win against others dropped when it contained more three people.

emotion faces in thumbnails

Y'all can optimize your thumbnails for click-throughs by including i to iii faces, wearing expressions that speak louder than words.

If you don't have emotive faces in your videos, you can too use thumbnails that convey action to elicit an emotional response, like the Slow Mo Guys.

slo mo guys thumbnails

Follow the "rule of thirds" to etch your thumbnail image

The rule of thirds is a simplified manner of achieving the "golden ratio," which studies have shown minimizes the corporeality of time it takes for our brains to process an paradigm.

This image composition guideline suggests that you position your point of interest non in the center of the paradigm, but in the first or final third of the frame.

rules of thirds

While it's more than of a guideline than a hard-and-fast rule, designing your thumbnail in this manner lets yous draw the viewer'south center to the almost important "message" in your image.

Add text to your thumbnails

According to a 2019 study by Sandvine, YouTube at present accounts for 37% of all mobile traffic on the cyberspace. That also means a fair segment of your viewers will see your videos on a mobile device.

This is what the homepage of YouTube looks like to them:

mobile homepage

The prominence of your thumbnail relative to the title makes it almost guaranteed that the user'due south eyes will exist drawn to the thumbnail of your video kickoff. If they find the image compelling plenty, will they likely read the title and click to your video.

So why non add some text to the thumbnail to help viewers make up their minds?

The text can be the title of your video or even just a handful of words that are related to its hook. Whatever you choose, if over a tertiary of your viewers are used to "reading" thumbnails on mobile, brand sure your own thumbnails can communicate what your video's nearly, fifty-fifty without the championship.

Make your thumbnails

If you look at the trending tab on YouTube, you'll detect many of the trending videos have optimized their "offset impression" by using the tactics we've outlined above.

YouTube thumbnails can exist very like, aesthetically, and so making it easy for viewers to spot your videos at a glance increases the chances that they'll be clicked on by people who are already familiar with your content.

If you have a consistent format for your YouTube channel, consider branding your thumbnails to differentiate them from other recommended videos.

4. Encourage viewers to stay after they click

Getting people to view your videos is one affair. Getting them to really watch a video all the way through is another.

Luckily, you can improve your video completion rate (and earn more watch time) by edifice this objective into your video creation process:

  • Start potent and incorporate a "claw" into the introduction of your video.
  • Transcribe your videos so people can spotter them muted.
  • Conform the length of your videos according to your analytics (how far practise viewers actually make it before dropping off?).
  • Don't use the aforementioned shot for likewise long or y'all may bore the viewer (this is why bound cuts are popular on YouTube).
  • If your video is long, sprinkle in interruptive moments that refocus the viewer'southward attention when information technology starts to wander.
  • Enquire your viewers to click the Subscribe button or check out additional videos in the end screen of each video, or even to turn on notifications for your future videos.

v. Encourage binge watching on your aqueduct

You tin can likewise optimize for watch time at the channel level by employing strategies involving video consumption and consistency.

Beyond having a focused premise for your YouTube channel—which is arguably the most important factor—another ways yous tin can go far easier for viewers to watch more of your content include:

  • Using cards and end cards to manually recommend related videos
  • Linking to videos in playlists whenever y'all share then that the next video the user watches is e'er one of your ain
  • Developing a consistent format from the thumbnail to the video itself—if viewers savor one of your videos, they should be able to rightly assume they'll enjoy your other videos
  • Incorporating a specific call to action or even scenes from other videos to "pitch" viewers direct to consume more than content

Cards can exist used to lead viewers further downwardly the rabbit hole of your YouTube aqueduct. Another good idea is to turn on subtitles for all of your videos so people can continue to watch even if they can't have their sound on.

6. Optimize your video for a focus keyword

Because YouTube is also a search engine, optimizing your videos around a focus keyword and a few secondary keywords tin assist your videos pop upwardly more than in YouTube search and give the algorithm a improve thought of what your content is nearly, so they know when to recommend it.

Get-go, you'll want to do keyword research on the platform to figure out which keyword and video topics are popular and might resonate with your audience. Using a Chrome extension like TubeBuddy tin help yous pinpoint the best keywords to use.

All you lot'll demand to practice is type your potential keyword into the search bar and bank check out TubeBuddy's stats in the sidebar. Try a few other parallel keywords until you lot find the best i.


Effort to find a keyword with an overall "Very Good" or "Fantabulous" score. However, if your content typically ranks well on YouTube, you can tend to ignore the "Competition" option, as your channel has proven to be a good competitor in itself.

And so you'll want to make sure y'all include the keyword within the video's title, description, and tags. You tin can likewise add a couple of hashtags to the bottom of your video description that help to categorize your video content.

7. Go on an center on your competitors on YouTube

Are whatsoever of your competitors active on YouTube? If so, keep an centre on the types of content they're publishing. After all, the last thing you lot want is one of their videos to be recommended instead of yours.

Pay attention to things like:

  • Their nearly popular videos
  • Whatever playlists/serial they create
  • How engaged their audition is
  • How they create their video titles/descriptions/metadata

Having a better understanding of what your competition is publishing can assistance to straight your ain strategy and brand sure that you besides embrace all of the aforementioned topics so your audience can better rely on your YouTube channel.

As YouTube's algorithm changes, ane thing remains the same

YouTube'southward algorithm has inverse a lot over the years, each time leaving creators and brands scrambling, wondering why the methods they once relied on aren't working anymore.

Merely even as the YouTube algorithm evolves, continue in mind that the platform's goal remains the aforementioned: getting more people watching and engaging with more than videos on YouTube. And that goal's not all that unlike from yours.

YouTube algorithm FAQ

What is YouTube'south algorithm?

The YouTube algorithm is built to help you find videos you desire to watch and maximize your satisfaction. The algorithm is a real-time feedback loop that tailors videos to match your involvement.

What is the YouTube algorithm used for?

The YouTube algorithm is used to find the right video for each viewer. It decides the placement of videos on your dwelling feed, with the goal of keeping you watching.


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